“Grounded in research and theory on college student retention, this study assessed differences in the use of various university services and the influence of key personnel on retention-related outcomes of student service members or veterans (SSM/Vs) compared with civilian students. Participants included 386 students, 199 (154 male, 45 female) of which were SSM/Vs and 187 (87 male, 100 female) were civilian students.”
The higher education landscape for US student service members and veterans in Indiana (2015)
The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or “New GI Bill” has resulted in rising enrollment and related demand for services by students in the USA. We examined current supports for student service members and veterans at institutions of higher education in Indiana in the context of this national trend.
Student service members/veterans in higher education: A systematic review (2014)
This article systematically reviewed the data-based peer-reviewed research examining student service members and veterans in higher education.
The development and implications of peer emotional support for student service members/veterans and civilian college students (2013)
This study compared the development and implications of emotional support from peers among 199 student service members/veterans and 181 civilian students through three distinct occasions over the course of one year.
Examining the Association Between Binge Drinking and Propensity to Join the Military (2013)
It is unclear to what degree alcohol consumption predicts enlistment into the military. To address this need, authors explored the extent to which binge drinking was related to joining the military among a national sample of high school seniors responding to the 2008 Monitoring the Future survey.
The development and implications of peer emotional support for student service members/veterans and civilian college students (2013)
tudent service members and veterans represent a growing population on college campuses. Despite this growth, research into their issues is almost nonexistent, and what is available suggests that student service members/veterans may have trouble connecting with their civilian counterparts and be at risk for social isolation. This article compares the development and implications of emotional support from peers and revealed that student service members/veterans reported less emotional support from their peers compared with their civilian counterparts.
The alcohol use and associated mental health problems of veterans and student service members in higher education (2012)
In this article, the authors examined whether student service members/veterans attending college drank alcohol more than their civilian peers; and whether links between student service members/veterans’ alcohol use and mental health-related outcomes differed from civilian students.
Implications of posttraumatic stress among military-affiliated and civilian students (2012)
The authors aimed to determine whether the unique experiences of student service members/veterans resulted in “invisible wounds” above and beyond those experienced by their civilian counterparts, and to determine the degree to which PTS symptoms among military affiliated students are associated with alcohol-related consequences and academic performance.
A comparative analysis of student service member/veteran and civilian student drinking motives (2011)
This article examined the drinking motivations of student service members/military veterans and civilian college students, and revealed no differences between military affiliated and civilian students in alcohol motivations.
The Higher Education Landscape (2009)
The report aimed to identify gaps in support for student service members and veterans and to share possible new strategies that institutions could implement to ensure access and success for this unique population.