Food security, dietary quality, and use of resources are low among rural U.S. veteran food pantry users in a Reaching Rural Veterans pilot intervention (2017)


Wright, B. N., Sternberg, M., Wellnitz, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S. M., & Eicher-Miller, H. A. (2017). Food security, dietary quality, and use of resources are low among rural U.S. veteran food pantry users in a Reaching Rural Veterans pilot intervention. The FASEB Journal31.


Reaching Rural Veterans (RRV) was a “one stop” longitudinal intervention provided at rural Indiana and Kentucky food pantries to enhance resource use among rural, low-income U.S. veterans. Researchers evaluated characteristics, food security, access to resources and dietary quality at the beginning (baseline) and the end (follow-up), approximately three months later. U.S. veteran food pantry-users who were18 years or older were recruited to participate. Recruitment took place at 10 participating faith-based food pantries in Indiana or Kentucky. RRV included monthly outreach events where food, ancillary services and education were provided to U.S. veterans and their families. At baseline 234 participants completed a characteristics questionnaire and the 18-item U.S. Household Food Security Module, while 122 participants completed these documents at follow-up. Twenty-eight automated self-administered 24-hour dietary recalls (ASA24s) were completed at baseline and at follow-up 16 were also completed to quantify dietary intake using the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010). Adult food insecurity was significantly improved at follow-up compared to baseline. The proportion of participants receiving temporary assistance for needy families, supplemental security income, general assistance or assistance from the township trustee was significantly greater at follow-up compared with baseline. Mean HEI-2010 component score for the “Green and Bean” group was also significantly improved despite no change in total HEI-2010. The RRV intervention was delivered to a highly food insecure, rural U.S. veteran sub-population. Food security, access to resources and a component of diet quality improved over the study period.