Military Family Research Institute. (2004). Childcare use and satisfaction among military families with preschool children. West Lafayette, IN: MacDermid, S., Strauss, R., Robbins, N., Wenz, H., Chang, Y., Schwarz, R., Weiss, H., & Kontos, S.
Using the 1999 Survey of Active Duty Personnel, this report examines the childcare arrangements used by military families with children younger than six. Sections include:
- an overview of child care arrangements (categories, numbers, and types of arrangements, intensity of use, primary vs. secondary care arrangements);
- variations in care arrangements (variations by military status, paygrade, location, child age, earner status and housing);
- expenditures of military parents (expenditures by type of care, number of children, paygrade, housing and earner status); and
- parents’ evaluations of child care (satisfaction by type of arrangement, characteristics of military members and military families, concerns about child care arrangements and attitudes related to evaluations of care).