In this article, the authors examined whether student service members/veterans attending college drank alcohol more than their civilian peers; and whether links between student service members/veterans’ alcohol use and mental health-related outcomes differed from civilian students.
Approaching family-focused systems of care for military and veteran families (2012)
This article highlights theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence that illustrate the relevance of systemic approaches to supporting service members, veterans, and their families. We discuss examples of family-centered approaches already in place and identify gaps in existing systems of care.
Implications of posttraumatic stress among military-affiliated and civilian students (2012)
The authors aimed to determine whether the unique experiences of student service members/veterans resulted in “invisible wounds” above and beyond those experienced by their civilian counterparts, and to determine the degree to which PTS symptoms among military affiliated students are associated with alcohol-related consequences and academic performance.
An examination of PTSD and relationship functioning in soldiers of the Iraq war over time (2012)
This article examined PTSD symptoms, symptom clusters of PTSD and relationship adjustment from a sample of U.S. National Guard soldiers from the Iraq war and their intimate partners. The results revealed that PTSD symptom severity significantly predicted lower relationship adjustment as rated by partners.
Prospective evaluation of mental health and deployment experience among women in the U.S. military (2012)
Using data from the Millennium Cohort Study, the authors examined positive screens in military women for depression, anxiety, panic and PTSD in relation to deployment in support of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.