This study examines ethnic variations in the role of resources in the relationship between work-induced family separation and workers’ intentions to leave their employment.
Episodic Processes in Emotional Labor: Perceptions of Affective Delivery and Regulation Strategies (2004)
This report examines the way in which experiences and conditions outside the work domain, such as marital relations, financial circumstances, community support and social networks affect job performance.
Child Care Use and Satisfaction Among Military Families with Preschool Children (2004)
Using the 1999 Survey of Active Duty Personnel, this report examines the childcare arrangements used by military families with children younger than six.
The Financial Landscape for Military Parents of Young Children (2004)
This report examines the income and expenditure patterns of military parents of children younger than six.
Nonwork Factors in Organizational Commitment (2004)
This study examines 160 military members’ perspectives about the events and conditions in levels of military commitment over time using data gathered from four military installations.